Home » Compassion Fatigues
Born in 2019, Compassion Fatigues was found on the premise that society is in desperate need for a reminder to be kind(er). The name Compassion Fatigues is derived from a play-on-words of a medical diagnosis called “compassion fatigue“.
“…(compassion fatigue is) the emotional residue or strain of exposure to working with those suffering from the consequences of traumatic events.”
We are increasingly becoming more and more divided – socially and politically, bound by superficial societal labels. These boxes we are grouped in stunt the promotion of actual progress and seem to dictate whether or not someone deserves our empathy.
So, Compassion Fatigues aims to play a role in reversing this dangerous course of favoring tribalism and identity politics over people, animals and the environment.
Using a military fatigues theme, Compassion Fatigues attempts to redefine what it means to be a soldier – a soldier for peace. It takes an incredible amount of courage to show so much heart, and not fall victim to the ‘us versus them‘ mentality.