
“Fostering Purpose” | Petumentaries

A story about two rescue beagles, and their lasting impact

Fostering Purpose Petumentaries by River Fire Films

Fostering Purpose” is the story about a woman named Kristin and her two beagles – Bieber and Hank. And, how the adoption of them gave Kristin a new purpose. 

I’m convinced, everything happens for a reason. And, judging by Kristin’s story – two beagles entered her life, and helped expose her to the horrors of animal testing. 

Additional background

“Fostering Purpose” is the second edition of Petumentaries.  

Petumentaries is meant to immortalize our beloved pets, and preserve those special bonds we share with them. To get your own Petumentary, go to:

Special Updates:

Update #1: Sadly, on December 11, 2022, Bieber passed away. 

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video credits

Produced by:
River Fire Films, LLC

Directed & Edited by:
Jeff Theman

Client Name:
Kristin Boyd

Pet(s) Name/Species: 
Bieber (dog) and Hank (dog)

Kristin Boyd
Karen Albury (mother)

Track 1:
Wayne Jones

Track 2:
Dream Lagoon
Chris Haugen

Track 3:
Run Until Your Wings Grow
Late Night Feeler
