Part of the Once In A Lifetime docu-series collection, “Remembering Preston” was released on January 31, 2023… read more
On July 6, 2006, during a drug bust in Akron (OH) Preston and two other dogs were taken from a home by humane investigators under the suspicion they were being used for dogfighting. They were brought to the local humane society where they were kept as evidence until the case reached a conclusion.
Estimated to be about one year of age upon arriving to the shelter, Preston was initially unavailable for any one-on-one interaction with the public due to recovering from prior injuries sustained as well as the pending outcome of the case.
But, for dogs like Preston, who wore this “pit bull” label, that outlook was grim. Especially with his ties to an alleged background of dogfighting, and notably here in Ohio. This was pre-Michael Vick case, in a state that had statewide breed specific laws (from 1987-2012) that declared all pit bull dogs as inherently vicious at birth, restricting their ownership with a handful of mandatory requirements (i.e insurance, public muzzling, etc).
Once his health improved and was deemed suitable to have visitors, the founder of the Cleveland-based dog rescue For the Love of Pits – Shana Klein frequently spent time with him, knowing there was strong possibility that he’d be euthanized.
One week, Shana was notified that the other dogs he came in with were put to sleep, but she continued to visit Preston.
Then, on Friday, July 28, 2006 at about 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Shana received a courtesy call from a member of the shelter staff, who informed her that Preston would be put to sleep at 4pm that evening. She hung up the phone, drove to the shelter, and begged the Executive Director to give her one more day to find a foster home.
Thankfully, Shana’s request was granted, and on the morning of Saturday, July 29th (2006) Shana arrived at the shelter where Preston was in the lobby of the humane society waiting for her.
Everyone Preston has met has talked about his infectious personality. From what I’ve been told, it was this personality that made him a shelter staff favorite, who in turn advocated for his survival until the very last minute with the final courtesy call to Shana.
Nevertheless, he then spent the next two years between two foster homes, receiving only marginal interest by potential adopters, who ultimately passed on him for one reason or another.
Theories abound – It could have been the fact that he had visible scars slashed across his arms – reminders of his alleged former life and the perceived challenges he may present. Or, it could have been that pit bull dogs were just starting to get vocal support and widespread sympathy from the general public in the direct aftermath of the Michael Vick case. This, despite the fact that laws which ban or restricted the ownership of pit bulls remained a very real and active threat.
Whatever the reason(s) may have been, I’m thankful that he somehow slipped through the cracks, and was available still when I finally met him.
Sometime in early May 2008, I, Jeff Theman – an aspiring independent filmmaker at the time, sent an email to Shana for the sole purpose of seeking credible information about pit bull dogs and dogfighting for a documentary film project titled – “Fighting For Their Lives“ in response to the Vick case.
Shana invited me over on May 15, 2008, to discuss the film project further, and that is when I met and instantly fell madly in love with Preston. So much so, that before leaving that afternoon I spontaneously blurted out my intentions to adopt him.
Easier said than done – four days later Lakewood City Council proposed a ban of pit bull dogs on May 19, 2008…altering my ability to bring Preston home.
After two months, Council members overwhelmingly passed the ban in July 2008. The focus of my documentary immediately pivoted from exploring dogfighting to examining laws called breed specific legislation, titling the project – “Guilty ‘Til Proven Innocent.”
It took five months of searching for a rental property where he and I would both be welcomed, until finally – on the morning of Saturday, October 4, 2008, Preston arrived to my new address outside of Lakewood where I officially signed his adoption paperwork. Preston was home.
For the next few years, Preston and I were inseparable; Whether it be the daily walks at the park, hopping in the car to run errands, or just lounging around on the couch – anywhere I went, he went, too.
Along the way two more dogs found their way into our home. Era came to us as a six month old puppy on June 30, 2011, and Fergie on August 11, 2012 who tested positive for heartworms. Both were pulled from the Cleveland City Kennel, both were branded with this “pit bull” label…and both were subject to being killed based solely on that and nothing else.
On Sunday, April 28, 2013 – after six years of extensive research, Guilty ‘Til Proven Innocent (GTPI) made its premiere in front of a sold out audience at the Capitol Theatre in Cleveland.
It went on to be screened twenty-some subsequent times around the country, including two official film festival selections – the 2013 St. Louis International Film Festival and the 2014 Kansas City Film Fest, as well as shown at three law school universities as part of their animal law curriculum, among other accomplishments.
GTPI helped create conversation about the issue, and it was all inspired by this little black dog named Preston, whose face graced the cover of the DVD and every promotional image of the film.
Simultaneously, while my credibility as a filmmaker and advocate rose, my mental health took a nosedive as I suffered through a crippling depression with severe anxiety, culminating to my first suicide attempt on November 2, 2014.
The next several years were not easy, but Preston and the girls were the motivation to believe tomorrow will be better. Preston quite literally saved my life. And, now it was my turn to attempt to save his.
On January 7, 2019 at the elderly age of 14, Preston suffered his first known seizure. The following afternoon we went to his veterinarian to have bloodwork and other tests run, where it was discovered he was anemic.
After experiencing another seizure a few days later, he was rushed to a local northeast Ohio veterinary hospital where he stayed for the entire weekend to be passed around the different specialty departments and monitored for improvement.
He improved just enough to be discharged that Monday – January 14th, and continue his daily treatments at home with frequent follow up appointments every couple weeks.
From the time he had his first seizure until the day he passed, Preston lived fourteen months before his health deteriorated to the point where it was time to relieve his pain.
At the age of 15 years old, on the evening of March 16, 2020 at about 9:20pm, Preston took his final breath.
The upcoming docu-series – “Once In A Lifetime” intends to honor this unique once-in-a-lifetime relationship.
Part of the Once In A Lifetime docu-series collection, “12 Years In 2 Minutes” was released on May 15, 2022.
Part of the Once In A Lifetime docu-series collection, “October 4th” was released on September 18, 2021.
Part of the Guilty Til Proven Innocent documentary collection, “Introducing Preston” was originally released on September 26, 2011.
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