
Tag: 19th century

1881 National Police Gazette featuring Llyod's Pilot and his match against Kreiger's Crib

1881 Lloyd’s Pilot | The Archives

These historical artifacts tell an important story. In the case of Archive #8, it shows how a match in Kentucky between Lloyd’s Pilot and Kreiger’s Crib for the (first) American Championship in 1881, created s spike in interest of breeding pit bull terriers in the United States for the purpose of sport.

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A white pit bull dog with children on a cabinet card photograph from 1893

1893 White Pit Bull with Children | The Archives

We’ve already seen one white pit bull dog on a cabinet card from the 1890s in this blog series – The Archives. In Archive #3 we have yet another! But, this time it’s a white pit bull with his children taken in 1893. Yes, that exact year. 

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A pit bull dog laying at the feet of a gentleman smoking a pipe from the 1870s.

1870s Pit Bull Dog and Gentleman | The Archives

In the first entry of this special blog series – The Archives, I chose to start it off with a white pit bull dog on a Cabinet Card photograph from the 1890s. That timeframe would have been when the American Pit Bull Terrier breed name was born. This entry – Archive #2, of a pit bull dog laying at the feet of a gentleman smoking a pipe dates even further back to the 1870s!

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A white pit bull dog on a cabinet card photograph from 1890s

1890s Pit Bull Dog | The Archives

In this blog series – The Archives, we are going to explore the pit bull dog debate through vintage items of yesteryear. There’s a story in these artifacts that will help paint a more accurate picture of the complicated history of pit bull terriers, and how we got here.

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