
Category: My Dogs

An End Of An Era
My Dogs

An End Of An Era

I’ve been preparing for this day to come for nearly four years, and yet here I am saying to myself – I can’t believe she’s gone. 

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Don't Know What You Got, Til It's Gone
My Dogs

Don’t Know What You Got Til It’s Gone

I never really wanted three dogs…it just sorta happened, which is partially why the process of gathering my thoughts for the contents of this blog entry have been so painful to digest and write about. But, since the evening of July 8, 2020, it’s been long overdue.

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Soulmates - More Than A Love Story
My Dogs

Soulmates: More Than A Love Story

I began my blog – “Preston’s Perch” in the spring of 2011. I got the idea one day as I watched my dog Preston sit atop the backside of our couch to look out the window. It became a regular perching place he’d go to get a clearer view of the outside world.

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Once In A Lifetime promotional video titled Remembering Preston

Remembering Preston

This coming March 16th will be three complete years since Preston passed away. I sometimes can’t believe it’s been that long. And, I’m still talking about it as if it happened just yesterday.

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